Password :


Password Generator Options

Set these to your preferences.

Should be considered minimum standards

Set your preferences and click generate. If you want to change your settings later, click the Generator Icon above.


Overall Password Security

Characters: 0 Overall Score Overall Percent 0%

Password Strengths

0 Uppercase Characters +0%
Password Contains Uppercase Letters
20 Lowercase Characters +20%
Password Contains Lowercase Letters
40 Numerical Characters +40%
Password Contains Numbers
60 Symbolic Characters +60%
Password Contains Symbols
+80 Character Spread 80%
Even distribution of Upper, Lower, Number and Symbols.
+100 Minimum Requirements 100%
Meets Minimum Requirements : More than 8 Characters and has letters, numbers, symbols, and a symbol somewhere in the middle of the password.

Password Weaknesses

0 Dictionary Word -0%
This is either Pass or Fail. If your password is in the dictionary - you failed!
0 Blacklist Word -0%
This is either Pass or Fail. If your password is in the blacklist - you failed!
10 Alpha Characters Only -5%
Password contains only letters.
e.g.: qwerty ...
20 Numeric Characters Only -10%
Password contains only numbers
e.g.: 507337
20 Symbol Characters Only -20%
Password contains only symbols.
e.g.: !#%&+
30 Repeated Characters -30%
Password uses the same character more than once.
e.g.: a123a, b456b, c789c ...
40 Consecutive Uppercase -40%
Password has two or more uppercase characters next to each other
e.g.: QW, ER, TY ...
50 Consecutive Lowercase -50%
Password has two or more lowercase characters next to each other
e.g.: qw, er, ty ...
60% Consecutive Numbers -60%
Password has two or more numbers next to each other
e.g.: 13, 57, 79 ...
70% Consecutive Symbols -70%
Password has two or more symbols next to each other
e.g.: !*, @&, $% ...
80% Sequential Letters -80%
Password has two or more sequential characters next to each other (case insensitive).
e.g.: AB, BC, CD ...
90% Sequential Numbers -90%
Password has two or more sequential numbers next to each other.
e.g.: 12, 23, 34 ...
100% Sequential Symbols -100%
Password has two or more sequential symbols next to each other (according to keybard layout).
e.g.: !@, @#, #$ ...
0 Online Attack 0%
Bruteforcing a password over the internet.
20 Super Computer 20%
A high performance computer - not typically "off the shelf".
40 Standard Computer 40%
A standard performance computer - one that can be purchased at any retail store.
60 Array Attack 60%
Clustering servers together to harness the power of all all the processors.
80 Bovine Attack 80%
One of the beefiest processing machines around. Combining the processing power of a few thousand computers, the Bovine can attempt around 1 trillion attacks per second.
100 This Server Attack 100
This is an average grade server capable of around 10 million attacks a second not over the internet.

Bruteforce cracking is always the last resort to figuring out passwords. Its not the slowest, but it takes the longest to complete.

Think of bruteforce cracking like finding a needle in a haystack where your password is the needle and all possible combinations of characters is the haystack.

If your password only contains numbers, the the haystack will be made of only numbers. Given theres only 10 numbers (0 to 9) it wont take very long to figure your password out. If your all numeric password is only 8 characters long, it would take only seconds to test every possible combination of numbers from 00000000 to 99999999. The computer that this website is hosted from (a.k.a. server) can make around 10 million attempts per second. So, in less than 10 seconds, this server could crack a 8 character password consisting of only numbers.

Online vs. Offline


An online attack (over the internet) is typically the slowest attack method. It can only attack as fast as the slowest hop along the way - and most overcome some possible hurdles.

Like a military convoy - online attacks can only go as fast as the slowest member. Even if the attacker had a huge server farm dedicated to cracking passwords over the internet, it can only attack at the speed of the slowest computer/server along the way. So, if the mark (system being attacked) is a computer (for simplicity) form the early 1990's (Pentium 100 processor) that trillion dollar server farm can only attempt a few dozen attempts per second.

Now, if that same server farm was targeting another server farm, its slowest link is the data connection between the two servers. The further away the server farms are, the slower the data connection. Attempts per second would most likly be a few hundred.


Offline does not mean no internet connection, it just means that the attacking computer has the encrypted/hashed password and does not need to send its attacks over the internet to see if the 'guess' matches the password.

When an attacker is bruteforcing a password offline - it significantly speeds up the process. The attacking machine no longer has to send the possible password to anther machine to see if it is a match.

In this type of situation, the slowest link is also the fastest link - the attackers computer. The better the computer, the faster it an bruteforce passwords.


10 Overall password Analysis 10%


50 Grace (handicap) applied to password 50%

Real Score

100 Password Score without Grace 100%

Overall Uppercase

50 Overall Uppercase Analysis 50%

Specific Uppercase

100 Specific Uppercase Characters 100%

Overall Lowercase

50 Overall Lowercase Analysis 50%

Specific Lowercase

100 Specific Lowercase Characters 100%

Overall Number

50 Overall number Analysis 50%

Specific Numbers

100 Specific number Characters 100%

Overall Symbols

50 Overall symbol Analysis 50%

Specific Symbols

100 Specific symbol Characters 100%

Overall Consecutive Score

0 Consecutive Characters 0%

Consecutive Uppercase Characters

25 Consecutive Alpha Characters 25%

Consecutive Lowercase Characters

50 Consecutive Alpha Characters 50%

Consecutive Numbers

75 Consecutive Number Characters 75%

Consecutive Symbols

100 Consecutive Symbol Characters 100%

Overall Sequential Characters

25 Sequential Characters 25%

Overall Sequential Alpha Characters

50 Sequential Alpha Characters 50%

Overall Sequential Numbers

75 Sequential Number Characters 50%

Overall Sequential Symbols

100 Sequential Symbol Characters 50%

Overall Repeat Score

50 Repetative Characters (case insensitive) 50%

Overall Dictionary Score

25 How your password compares to a dictionary word 25%
25 Best Guess: 25%

Specifics Dictionary Matches

% Matched Dictionary Word Unmatched Characters Scale
50 Online Attack 50%

Overall Blacklist Score

25 How your password compares to a blacklist word 25%
25 Best Guess: 25%

Specifics Blacklist Matches

% Matched Blacklist Word Unmatched Characters Scale
50 Online Attack 50%


Algorithm Hash
None Available